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Indiawebmediapro Technologies

Perfecting the Art of Mobile Navigation

Mobile usage continues to rise and is now surpassing the number of desktop users. This means that website designers must create a site that can be utilized across a variety of platforms. With the increase in consumers purchasing both products and services online, as well as communicating away from the confines of their desk or home, the design focus must be on mobile user experience.

A great way to ensure a satisfactory user experience is through focusing on mobile navigation. Seamless navigation enables consumers to easily find what they are looking for and subsequently leads to more conversions. Overall, great mobile navigation is based on what you include in the main menu. Since screen space is minimal on mobile devices, you must pick and choose what will be displayed.

Including a search feature should be an essential as it allows users to quickly find what they are looking for. Since many elements that are on a traditional website homepage will be eliminated, a search feature can ensure that consumers will be able to still find all necessary information. This is typically at the top of the screen for ease of access.

A home icon is also an essential component that should be included on mobile navigation as it gives users a direct overview of the most important content. Furthermore, home icons can help individuals reorient themselves if they would like to get back to the main page.

A share button has now become a key feature of mobile websites, as social media sharing is even more popular on mobile devices than desktops. This can help with your social media marketing efforts and ultimately increase conversion rates. Whether you choose a standard share icon or utilize each individual social media button, it should be in an easily accessible location.

In general, you want to ensure that your mobile navigation design does not include too many choices. When it comes to mobile, less is better. People want instant gratification, so if your website fails to give users what they want, they will seek out a better experience elsewhere. Mobile navigation is a hot topic right now and must be addressed appropriately. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies can help you design with both purpose and precision in order to provide the best user experience.

Top Signs You Need a New Website

Technology is rapidly changing and a number of businesses are finding themselves in a position where their current website does not meet the needs of their company and clients. At IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies, website redesign is one of the top inquiry requests. With years of experience in this field, there are a number of comments by business owners that have become not only humorous, but also painfully accurate. Let’s look at the top eight signs that your company needs a new website.

  1. The website looks like it is from the 90s…and it is.
  2. The website is in major need to updates, but your family members who managed it are now unavailable.
  3. The animated gif of your company’s dancing mascot is getting tired and doesn’t relay the proper marketing message.
  4. Your company PowerPoint presentations offer more content information than your current site.
  5. You aren’t sure how many visitors your website generates, or what they do once they get there.
  6. The site contains the standard resolution size of 800×600, which was popular nearly 20 years ago.
  7. Even employees are unable to navigate the site to find relevant content.
  8. The website runs so slow that you can eat lunch while navigating between pages.

Don’t force yourself to rely on tech savvy family members or outdated software packages containing limited capabilities. There are a number of modern tools that can help build a fresh new site, although at times these can be confusing to understand. If you need help and want the job done right, contact IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies to design and develop your business website!

Beware of the Mobilegeddon!

Mobilegeddon is part of the popular lexicon to describe Google’s updated search algorithm. It is also a wakeup call for examining the mobile traffic side of business and the importance of setting up a mobile site or a responsive website as mobile device usage surges.

What’s it all about?

Google changed its search algorithm to favor sites that look good on smartphones. Websites that work better on smartphones lead to more mobile sales. When businesses sell more products/services on phones, they pay more for clicks to smartphone friendly sites. Clicks on smartphones are now as important as desktop clicks. Google has taken notice and is doing all it can to encourage them.

The force of Google is like the force of law. Now that it has set the rule for mobile friendly search, businesses will comply either because of threat of penalty (e.g., losing mobile traffic and ranking in search results) or because they see benefit to themselves (e.g., gaining higher conversion rates on mobile friendly sites).

The Consequences

Googlebot judgment day was April 21, 2015. Since the mobile algorithm’s release, SEO experts say that some businesses have lost ranking, traffic, and authority for pages not configured to be mobile friendly. The initial impact has been modest and only affects mobile traffic searches. If you are a small business and little of your customer traffic comes from smartphones, it might be insignificant. Websites aren’t being obliterated from Google search for not being mobile friendly. But you won’t sit as high in search results as compared to competitors that have a smartphone responsive website, which means your leads and revenues could be affected and degrade, if not today, then soon.

Mobilegeddon, if not an imminent threat, is an opportunity. A responsive website is Google’s preferred way to get a “mobile friendly” label in search results on smartphones. Responsive sites serve the same HTML and URL to any device, making it easier to track site traffic no matter how users choose to visit. Responsive templates and small changes (avoiding Flash, unplayable videos, blocked image files) may lead to big increases in new search rankings.

Even if you aren’t worried about mobile traffic today, it is a certainty that more users will go mobile in the future, so it may be worthwhile to make the mobile update now to better serve future customers.

Creating an Exceptional Customer Experience With Your Website

Years ago, customer contact and service delivery were limited to store fronts and physical products. In today’s multimedia society, client relations exist in both the physical and digital world. Creating exceptional customer experience digitally comes with a great deal of new challenges. Since the digital world is vastly different from that of a storefront, alternate methods must be used to gain feedback. Let’s examine the multiple types of communication channels, which enable us to monitor feedback, analyze results, and ultimately improve the customer journey. The communication modes include:

  • Website analytics including top pages and bounce rates.
  • Search engine results.
  • Social media shares, likes, and comments.
  • Customer reviews.
  • Website offer response rates.
  • Surveys and polls.

While many individuals believe that website design is simplistic, containing headers, footers, and sidebars, it encompasses much more. Good design comes from asking the right questions and ensuring that they apply to potential visitors. It involves finding solutions to problems your clients may face and presenting these solutions easily. Think of it as a way to map the journey for your visitors, creating clear paths for them to follow and encouraging them to take action.

The first step towards generating exceptional customer service digitally is identifying whom you sell to and defining their characteristics. This could include their needs, goals, and purchase obstacles. The next step involves reviewing the content and assets of your existing website. Often, site content focuses on the company, history, products, services, and rates. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it is important to include words that the visitor is actually searching for. Takes these five questions into consideration.

  1. Who do you help?
  2. What are their challenges?
  3. How do you solve these issues?
  4. Why are you an ideal fit?
  5. When can they expect results?

Once these aspects of digital customer service have been addressed, the last thing to consider is website design. A key point to remember is that visitors can access your site from any device, including cell phones and tablets, so finding a company that can design a fluid site on a variety of modalities is essential. At IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies, they understand the importance of multiple points of interaction throughout the customer journey. Contact us today to find out how you can enhance client experience.

Has Your Business Gone Mobile?

The invention of smart phones has completely revolutionized the way people live and communicate. When friends meet for coffee and have a discussion, the moment something is questioned, either party can pull out their phone, perform a quick search, and find the information they need almost instantly. This sort of ‘information on the go’ mindset has become a standard part of day to day life in the world today, and has had a phenomenal influence on the business world. If a consumer sees an item he or she is interested in, but isn’t sure about paying the marked price, a quick search from a smart phone can help compare prices and allow them to see whether it can be bought online for a discount. In order to survive in the business world of today, you have to make your business go mobile.

Ensure Your Website is Mobile Friendly

Most websites are difficult to navigate on a mobile device, since they were designed for mouse and keyboard use. Even websites that have mobile versions are not always the easiest to navigate because of their design limitations. By taking the time to ensure your site is mobile friendly, or hiring someone with programming experience to build you a mobile friendly site, you can cater to an untapped market right on the brink of its explosion.

Responsive Web Design

Designing your online presence to work with mobile devices is essential in succeeding in today’s business world. Many companies have taken this a step further by having specially designed web applications that allow users to shop without the need of a web browser. In addition, responsive web design allows you to customize the content displayed to browsers based on their locations.

PC vs. Mobile

Estimates have predicted that more searches for products and content will be conducted via mobile device than by PC as early as 2015. Mobile searches make up 40% of Google’s web traffic at present, and that number is only expected to increase as sales of smart phones skyrocket.

The Importance of SEO

If your website is not optimized for search engines, now is the time to make it so. Optimizing for specific keywords ensures that your page will appear in the results, bringing large amounts of organic traffic and increasing sales in ways that normal marketing could only dream of doing. SEO is a concept that is taught for online marketers, but the business world has not caught on to its importance for mobile sales yet. By optimizing now, and aiming your page at the mobile market, you stand the change of being one of the pioneers in this area of business, which can result in enormous profits.

Mobile browsing is the future of business, and those that take advantage of the calm before the storm will be those that reap the traffic, and most importantly, the profits. Make sure you’re in that group; take the time now to make sure your business goes mobile, and sit back as the profits pour in.

Successful Internet Marketing is Driven by Goals

When it comes to any aspect of digital marketing, the primary drive behind the request must be company goals. Whether it is an SEO project or a request for a website design, business goals are the number one feature that affects the success of your project. Unfortunately, many small businesses just think about the issues with their current site or promotion efforts. Rarely do they think ahead to what they want their outcome to be. Until this is accomplished, website designers are unable to provide feedback in relation to budget and timing. Let’s examine the five most common Internet marketing goals and objectives.


Increased revenue is the number one digital marketing goal. This should come as no surprise. Yet often, clients do not provide a specific goal in this area. For example, narrowing it down to increased profits through a reduced sales cycle helps target the right tasks in the business campaign. This could be tackled through providing additional information on the site in order to better inform visitors before they reach out.


Branding is a good goal for businesses of all sizes, yet most small companies don’t think much of branding until a specific issue is encountered. The Internet is a great place filled with endless opportunities to increase brand awareness. In the event that this is your goal, your website could be tailored towards increased SEO efforts, social media usage, and local search directories.

Lead Generation

Increased lead generation is a great Internet marketing goal because it is easily measurable. There are a number of software packages available to track the source of leads from origin to close. Especially in today’s multimedia-driven society, Internet leads tend to follow the sales funnel farther than any other source.

Product and Service Sales

The Internet is a great way to increase product or service sales. Working in conjunction with your website designer, you can target why sales are lower than their potential, which could potentially be related to site functionality or lack of inbound traffic. Regardless, it is a fixable issue that can narrow down the focus and plan of attack.

Visitor Conversions

This is an area often overlooked. Visitor conversion is the process of turning site visitors into prospects for your sales or services. This goal can be accomplished through creating a strong web presence while navigating visitors towards what you’d like them to do upon arrival. Small design changes can have a huge impact on conversion rates.

While goals will vary based on each company’s individual situation as well as the products or services they offer, it is important to consider your target focus prior to launching a marketing campaign. Experts at IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies are highly trained in this area and will be able to walk you through the process in order to deliver top-notch work. Contact us today to get started!

Principles of Effective Website Design

The success or failure of a website is based on various user-centric design features. Individuals who navigate online sites glance at pages, scan some of the text, and click on areas that catch their interest. Based on this information, let’s review the top principles of effective website design.

Pages Should Be Self-Explanatory

When developing your site, a top goal is to get rid of question marks. If the navigation of the site isn’t intuitive, it makes it more difficult for users to understand how to get from point A to point B. Through providing a clean structure and a balanced website design, it can help individuals easily navigate and grasp the idea behind your business.

Content Must Be Effectively Written

Website content should be geared toward your target audience’s preferences and browsing habits. Generally speaking, promotional writing, long text blocks, and exaggerated language are ignored. Instead, use short and concise phrases with a layout that can be easily scanned. Furthermore, plain and objective language that doesn’t sound like an advertisement can go a long way.

Keep Things Simple

Despite the fabulous design your site may have, users are looking for specific information that can easily be located. From a visitor standpoint, pure text without any advertisements is the best way to deliver information. Clearly present imperative content that provides a choice of options without confusing site users.

Test Your Site Early and Often

Crucial insights into site problems can be caught early if testing is done at the right time. When designing your website, ensure that it is tested, all issues are fixed, and it is re-tested. Gain a fresh perspective from individuals who are not a part of the development process.

If you are interested in creating a website that effectively relays important information to consumers, IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies has the knowledge and experience to do so. Our solutions are created to be user-friendly and make it easy to maintain your brand’s digital marketing image.

Attracting Site Visitors Through Corporate Blogging

Having a blog on your business site has become the new norm. According to HubSpot, companies that have an active blog receive approximately 55% more website visitors and generate four time more leads. A corporate blog is designed to showcase the knowledge and insight of your company. It allows you to position yourself as an expert in specific subject matters and provides a more informal way of presenting content.

A blog is a great way to reach new prospects while staying in touch with existing clients and caters to the efforts of your search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns. Furthermore, it provides content that can easily be shared to social media outlets. With as little as four blogs per month, you can create endless opportunities for driving leads, sales, and revenue. There are four main components that you should consider when creating your corporate blog:

  1. Integrate Your Blog Into the Website

Hosting your blog on a third party website is a big no no when it comes to corporate blogging. This significantly impacts your SEO efforts and hurts the overall branding of the company. Additionally, it tends to confuse website visitors when they jump from a business site to another site that looks different. The last thing you want to do is take traffic away from your website. Hire a professional at IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies. who understands how to integrate a blog into your existing website seamlessly.

  1. Appropriately Structure the Main Blog Page

Showing full articles on your main blog page can be overwhelming for users. Instead, show a list of blog post summaries and include an excerpt with featured images. This not only increases usability, but also is great for SEO. Ensure that the titles and images work well together, are appropriately placed, and have aesthetic appeal. Having one post with a large image and the next with a thumbnail isn’t going to work.

  1. Write About Diverse Topics

Blogging is a great educational tool and informational for prospects as well as existing clients. This doesn’t mean you should continuously discuss only a small number of products or services your company offers. If you limit your blog posts to content only about you, it comes across as ego centric and boring. Focus on topics related to your industry and trends.

  1. Use Keywords

Keywords drive SEO and should be included in all of your blog posts. When you select an article title and write content, intermittently include specified keywords so that potential readers and the world can find you. This could include services you offer or your company name. Think about main words that people would use to find your services when searching on the Internet.


It is reported that approximately 77% of Internet users read blogs and 52% of consumers say blogs have impacted their purchase decisions. Corporate blogging doesn’t have to include an abundance of your time. Seek out help from IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies to create and manage your company blog while also sharing your articles to social media sites.

Logo Design: A Fundamental Component of Branding & Marketing

When it comes to marketing, a company logo could be compared to DNA; the material that houses information about how a living cell will look and function. A company’s logo design is a fundamental component of branding, generating the look and feel for all other marketing efforts. It helps differentiate itself amongst the competitors, enabling viewers to remember the organization.

Generally, a logo includes a combination of typography, color, shape, and form that represents the core of a business’s brand and could be considered the starting point for all things that follow. A strong logo is distinctive and intuitive, with the ability to quickly convey purpose and support the overall business strategy. It is a long-term investment into your business.

Professional designs start with discovery and multiple rounds of review, followed by a variety of file types and branding guides containing a selection of fonts and colors. There are five elements to keep in mind when hiring a professional logo designer in order to end up with something that is not only pleasing to the eye but also targets your market.

  1. Simplicity

The more complex the design, the harder it is for an individual’s mind to remember it. Keep it simple and allow it to remain meaningful. Think about major corporations such as Nike, Apple, and Facebook.

  1. Typography

Selecting the right font for your business is one of the most important steps in logo creation. This will carry over into your website and other marketing products so choose one that is distinctive.

  1. Color

This aspect of a logo should be considered carefully as they can have a big impact on overall accessibility in digital display. Furthermore, color can create and emotional response that should be tied to your products and services.

  1. Memorability

You want to generate a logo that can easily be remembered. The intention is to imprint your brand and make a long-term impression such as organizations like McDonald’s, Coca Cola, and Ford.

  1. Versatility

Since your logo will be used across a multitude of mediums including business cards, stationary, websites, and social media, ensure that the design can accommodate all forms of usage.


A quality logo should not come from an auto-generated site that contains a mash up of stock emblems and your company’s name. It needs to be designed by a professional graphic design team at IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies. who understands the importance of cohesion between fonts, colors, and shapes. This is the difference between a $5 stock design and a few hundred to thousand dollar custom graphic.

The Necessity of a Mobile Friendly Website

If you think about how much time you spend online each day via a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet, it should come as no surprise that there is a high need for mobile-friendly websites. While mobile usage has skyrocketed in the last few years, many businesses have been slow to jump on the bandwagon.

The use of mobile devices has become the norm, enabling individuals to stay connected to the digital world and manage responsibilities without being tied down to their desk. According to Pew Research Center, 25 percent of all smartphone owners conduct most of their online browsing on their mobile phone. Furthermore, a third of retailers report that over 20 percent of their traffic comes from the mobile web.

Responsive web design is now on the rise in response to this increasing trend, allowing IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies. website developers to adapt your current layout without removing mass amounts of content. Businesses are no longer burdened with creating two independent websites and can now develop a single responsive website that adapts and accommodates to all devices. The top advantages of using responsive design include:

  • An increase in online conversions.
  • Lower cost than developing separate sites for desktop and mobile usage.
  • Consistent user experience across varied devices.
  • Higher ranking and more search traffic.

Google is a significant advocate for responsive website design stating that it “keeps desktop and mobile content on a single URL, making it easier for users to interact with, share, and link to.” Furthermore, Google is able to discover content more efficiently and assign indexing properties. If you are ready to provide a mobile-friendly platform for your website, contact IndiawebmediaPro Technologies and allow us to accommodate your online business and individual needs.