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Marketing Mastery for Small Businesses

The American dream is to own your own business, whether that consists of opening a store or starting a restaurant. The goal is to turn a passion into a career, however many people are held back by the fear they won’t be able to manage it successfully. There are a number of challenges that small business owners may face but through taking a leap of faith and becoming savvy, you too can make your dream come true. One of the biggest problems that small business owners have is marketing. This includes getting the word out about their new business or attracting customers to an existing one. Below we will discuss how small business owners can master marketing.

Define Your ‘Unique Value Proposition’

Your business will inevitably face competition, so take the time to outline your unique value proposition and what sets you apart from your competitors. Become informed through signing up for industry newsletters, reading publications, and participating in events. Additionally, you will want to determine your target audience and what they want. This will help you define the unique benefit you are providing for your consumers.

Maximize Your Online Presence

There are various marketing channels to consider, but the most efficient and cost-effective are online. Make sure your web design is consistent with your brand and easy to navigate. In addition to listing products and services, consider adding a blog to your website and build your presence on social media as well as review sites like Yelp. Whether you’re communicating through your website, blog, social media, or review sites, keep a consistent voice.

Converse With Your Audience

Social media is the easiest way to get the word out about your business and build relationships. Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn all serve a very different purpose, so think about the kind of content you want to post. Create a schedule to ensure you are posting regularly and incorporate key elements of your business along with the targeted industry. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies has helped numerous clients develop a social media marketing plan and offers blog services to increase their presence.

Regardless of how big or small your business may be, every owner can use the tools available to market successfully. Small business owners can be their own CMO through learning and developing a keen awareness of their industry landscape. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies has extensive experience in building social media presence and developing brand identity. To learn more, contact us for a consultation today!

The Future of UX Design

Design is made for people. That being said, you cannot understand good design if you do not understand your audience. User experience is the essence of design, which prioritizes needs in every aspect of a product experience. As we evaluate the state of UX design and consider its future, it is essential to understand that it does not begin or end with a device or app. UX designers must look beyond interfaces and address the big picture, which requires meeting user needs and expectations.

UX design has steadily evolved thanks to smart technology and an increased focus on the service industry. If we evaluate technological trends, we can understand that whether a product becomes successful is not only determined by its level of innovation, but also its desirability to the user. Case in point, Google released augmented reality glasses that ceased production in 2015 after poor sales and numerous concerns.

If we shift our focus towards artificial intelligence, it is notable that automation technologies have become a reality in nearly every industrial sector. While there have been attempts at using AI to deliver design work, the work of UX designers requires complex user testing and emotional intelligence. A machine would need to be capable of both empathy and compassion to have successful implementation.

When interpreting the qualities that UX designers must have moving forward, it is essential that they are:


– Design must constantly adept as a discipline in order to meet new client, customer, and user needs.


– There is a growing focus on the visual appearance, behaviour of the product, speed, and anticipation of a user’s next requirement.


– As user experience becomes reality in high-risk applications such as automated cars, products must be designed to establish trust.

The future of UX design shows endless possibilities. There will be more useful applications of augmented reality, voice user interfaces will become more important in the interactions with televisions, music players, and in-car features, and the demand for UX design will expand to tackle small problems of daily life. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies understands the importance of incorporating UX design into the functionality of your website.

Showcasing Testimonials for Your Business

Client testimonials are essential for establishing credibility and a sense of stability. Additionally, they provide a boost to your conversion of new customers. According to WikiJob, when site visitors are able to see feedback from satisfied customers, sales increased by approximately 34 percent. But it isn’t enough to simply publish these testimonials. There are clever ways you can go about it to help grow your business.

Change Up Testimonial Placement:

There are two locations that tend to be most successful for placement of client testimonials. This includes product pages themselves and in the website’s sidebar.

Match Prospects With Previous Customers:

Testimonials need to be relevant for your sales prospects. Generic feedback won’t leave the same impression that relevant, well-tailored testimonials will.

Cherry-Pick Product Reviews:

When building your page, you may want to think about which reviews are worth publishing and which are not. Don’t silence negative clients, but instead try to focus on reviews that are as personal as possible.

Incorporate Multimedia:

To counteract the impersonal nature of an online review, consider publishing video testimonials or leverage existing channels such as YouTube.

Whether you are a website manager for a brand or a business owner, it pays to get creative with testimonials. This builds your reputation and leads to increased success. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies knows the importance of generating a brand identity and how to incorporate specific components into your website to earn customer’s trust. Contact us to learn more about how we can address your specific needs today!

Creating an Engaging Digital Experience

Websites must have a multifunctional design in order to be effective. It should improve user acquisition, heighten engagement, and help your business retain customers. Your design team thinks of it as a combination of science, psychology, and art where each element creates an interactive experience that engages the target audience. Next we will discuss the key aspects of creating an engaging digital experience.

Simplify Experiences

When a customer visits your website, they should feel immediately engaged. This can be accomplished through keeping a clean interface and embracing white space. This allows them to explore your site independently rather than forcing them to find what they need among cluttered designs.

Design for Mobile Functionality

When you are developing a user experience, you want to keep in mind how it will translate in a mobile setting. You can guarantee a better experience by designing for mobile users first, which ensures compatibility and a more engaging experience overall.

Test the Usability

Never assume that your user experience has reached perfection because you personally think it looks great. How others view the experience might be vastly different. Always test the experience with outsiders as their feedback can help you make any necessary changes.

Mix Up Content

Every person is unique and is engaged in a variety of ways. Some respond better to certain types of content. Through testing, you can find the right balance between videos, animations, images, and written content. Refine by diversifying and testing your site to see how variations change engagement levels.

Overall, in order to create the most engaging digital experience possible, you will want to target and customize your website to personalize user interaction. Through simplifying design, keeping mobile functionality in mind, conducting user testing, and using a variety of content, you can create an effective, multifunctional design. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies incorporates ideas and experience, which transforms your business and grows your brand.

The Laws of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can help elevate your audience and customer base drastically, but getting started can be challenging. It is imperative that you understand social media marketing fundamentals from maximizing quality to increasing online entry points. Let’s examine the laws of social media marketing and how IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies can help you reach your goal.

  1. Patience:

    Social media marketing isn’t an overnight success. You must commit to long-term goals in order to achieve results.

  2. Listening:

    Content marketing requires more listening and less talking. Join discussions and learn what is important to your target audience.

  3. Focus:

    Instead of tackling all areas within your field, specialize in just one. A focused social media marketing strategy has a better chance for success.

  4. Quality:

    Quality over quantity. It is better to have a nominal amount of connections that interact with your content versus thousands that disappear.

  5. Compounding:

    Publish content that is attractive enough for your audience to re-share on sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

  6. Influence:

    Find online influencers that have quality audiences and build relationships with them. If they share your content, you have expanded your base.

  7. Value:

    Add value to your marketing strategy through creating amazing content and developing relationships with your audience.

  8. Acknowledgement:

    Acknowledge every person who reaches out to you like you would in real life. Building relationships is an important part of marketing success.

  9. Accessibility:

    Consistently publish content and participate in conversations. If you disappear for extended periods of time, followers won’t hesitate to replace you.

  10. Reciprocity:

    Spend some of your time sharing and talking about content published by others. This provides an incentive for others to do the same.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Intranet Design

Intranet designs are intended to help employees within an organization reach higher levels of productivity, motivation, and communication. While intranet tools and programs come and go, if the design falls into one of these debilitating categories, it can impact employee morale and ultimately increase the overall costs. Let’s examine the seven deadly sins of intranet design.

  1. Substandard Search Results

If you have ever used an intranet before, whether for school or work, a notable feature is its search field. This is intended to return results to users and is often seen as substandard when it comes to successful search functionality. Content is frequently concealed from the search because it is poorly tagged or categorized. This can lead to irrelevant content being presented to the user and ultimately employees wasting time trying to find what they need.

  1. Content in Silos

Often referred to as walled-off content, content in silos is content that’s difficult to find due to being walled off in a number of ways. This includes not be accessible via the search function, absent from global navigation, hidden based on the user’s role, and protected by a login wall. Silos tend to emerge due to their easy creation method instead of properly integrating within overreaching access points. Consider whether content requires its own site or tool, or if it would be better linked in the larger intranet.

  1. Poor Visual Layout

Intranet teams tend to be understaffed and stakeholders within the company often dictate which page content appears in what areas. This can result in designs that lack a proper layout strategy, hierarchy, and visual appeal. When text, graphics, and space are not used properly, pages tend to look cluttered, making it difficult for users to scan and ultimately leading to trouble in determining which page elements are relevant for them.

  1. Illegible Text

Most text formats, even modern ones, provide the ability for users to easily decode and read. That being said, flowery typefaces with complicated details tend to be the most difficult to decipher. Employees shouldn’t have to work hard to read the text on a page, regardless of whether it is being viewed on a big monitor or a phone. Poor contrast between text and page background and tiny size are the leading causes of illegible text.

  1. Announcements Depicted as Advertisements

Banner blindness is a practice where ads or announcements do not match the style of the websites they appear on. Groups such as HR and corporate communications inadvertently make their internal promotions look like advertisements through utilizing random color, font, and graphical schemes. This ultimately repels employees from these promotions and should be left to intranet designers versus branding teams.

  1. Lack of Global Navigation

A major issues that most intranet users face is clicking on crosslinks that redirect them to pages that appear completely different from the rest of the intranet. This is often due to partially planned content strategies and information architectures. Consistently should exist across all pages and links within an intranet network as disappearing global navigation can be unexpected, unsettling, and exhibits loss of control on the employee’s end.

  1. Portal Pages Without Information

A key benefit of many intranets is that they consolidate information, but merely giving a link is less than helpful. Simply providing a titled link only promises that content will appear on the next page. Instead, it should contain information on what the link may provide.

Many intranets still commit a few of the seven deadly sins of design. Your intranet should be surveyed for these persistent and troublesome problems. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies can help you review intranet usability guidelines and recreate an interactive design through usability testing. If you are interested in creating or updating your organization’s intranet, contact us today for a free consultation!

Avoiding the Duplicate Content Downfall

The term “duplicate content” or “duplicate content penalty” is a term frequently used by Internet marketing gurus. This refers to the idea that having content on your website that is similar to existing content on the Internet, will cause your site to perform poorly within search engines such as Google and Bing. Below we will review what duplicate content is and how to avoid it.

When we refer to duplicate content as a penalty, it does not mean your search rankings will suddenly drop to page 56 in major engines. However, your website will not be rewarded for posting common content, and tends to appear in the supplemental results instead. This can actually impede traffic to your website. To help avoid these penalties, utilize article compare tools that calculate percentage difference of duplicate content.

Additionally, there are a few other tactics to ensure your web pages are seen as unique by search engines. For example, the first 50 words on a page should be as unique as possible. This can be achieved through providing a company introduction to each article you post or through adding images to break up the text. Additionally, if you have a blog, you can help increase the amount of unique content on your page through enabling comments.

Duplicate content penalties have the potential to make or break your site. If you are using similar content across multiple sources, the best thing to do is reword so that it is significantly different. This will remove the need for search engines to redirect similar content sources to supplemental results, ultimately giving you double the ability to rank well.

IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies specializes in website development, search engine optimization, and social media marketing, which all intertwine to help improve your rankings and draw more traffic to your site. Contact us now to learn more about our services and how we can address your specific needs.

Online Business 101: Growth Tactics

eCommerce is exploding and many startups are beginning to establish their online stores. While this may seem simple with all the DIY tutorials and business tools available, it is easier said than done. It is essential to make sure all the elements for your online success are in place. Let’s review crucial steps to take when capitalizing on the ecommerce trend.

Target Your Audience:

eCommerce highly depends on an accessible online presence. This means that you must make yourself available to those who are most likely to notice. In order to do so, identify the demographics of consumers who will benefit from your products and services then base marketing strategies around these details.

Generate High-Quality, High-Speed Content:

Content that is relevant, contains engaging information, and encourages site visitors to return in the future is essential. Additionally, major search engines consider fast lead speeds in their ranking algorithm. In response, Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting is becoming popular among new businesses.

Personalize Content:

Visitors expect unique, individualized web experiences when they click on your site. There are a number of technologies available that can generate shopping selections based on personal preferences such as Zoho and Batchbook. These smaller CRM software solutions tend to have nominal monthly fees.

Consider Subscription Services:

There are various subscription models that can be implemented into sales and marketing strategies. The replenishment model sends products to consumers on a set timetable while the discovery model provides new and exciting products with each delivery. CRM software can track which model customers prefer so help zone in on the most profitable service.

One of the main goals of any business is consistent growth. Through careful strategic planning, quality marketing, and a combination of the steps outlined above, your online business can become a success story. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies understands how imperative ecommerce is becoming and has extensive knowledge in the design and implementation of an ecommerce company.


Facebook Marketing Tips for Time Management

Facebook continues to dominate as a marketing tool. According to the Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 55 percent of marketers considered Facebook as the most important social media-marketing platform. Unfortunately, the platform’s depth has a tendency to keep users in the marketing vortex where time tends to pass quicker than any place on Earth. On average, marketers spend one to five hours per week on Facebook. This time has gradually increased due to companies spending more resources creating content and responding to customer queries. This doesn’t have to be the same scenario is your case. With a few tricks and tools, you can achieve more with Facebook marketing in less time.

  1. Utilize the Save Feature

Generating new content to post on social media is a constant challenge. You will often come across enticing content that you want to share at some point. Luckily, Facebook offers a save feature that allows you to access it later. When you need to share good content but you are out of ideas, simply head over to the saved area on Facebook and repost!

  1. Schedule Posts in Advance

Social media automation allows users to schedule updates days, weeks, or months in advance. This provides the option to create Facebook marketing updates and schedule them to go out in intervals. Your page will then be updated with a consistent stream of content. Outside of Facebook, social media management tools such as Hootsuite also offer this option, which can save time and warrants maximum engagement.

  1. Build Brand Advocates

Brand advocates are individuals who are loyal to your brand and can step in to increase the time spent on the page as well as manage the ongoing activity. Through building good relationships with your brand advocates, they can step in on your behalf to engage new followers and answer others on your behalf.

  1. Utilize Facebook Analytics

Not only will accessing Page Insights free up your time, but it allows you to know what variables make your audience tick. In turn, you can set up new campaigns. For example, you can check which posts are getting the post tractions and the time of day that your followers come online. This removes the guesswork form your equation. Google Analytics is another source that offers more insight into your marketing strategy.

While you may or may not have come across these measures before, they can save you an abundance of time in regards to Facebook marketing. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies has years of experience with social media management and understands how to target your campaigns for maximum return. If your marketers are spending excessive amounts of time revisiting various strategies, contact us today to learn more about how we can provide an effective time management solution for social media marketing.

Effective Logo Design: Vital Tips

Before we jump into the design semantics of a logo, we must first understand the main purpose behind this imperative feature of your brand. A logo is one aspect of a company’s entity, with its shape, color, font, and image strikingly different from other logos within the same market niche. Essentially, logos are used to identify and make it immediately recognizable with the intention of inspiring trust, loyalty, and superiority. One of the biggest misconceptions businesses have is that a logo describes the business and leads to sales. On the contrary, a logo identifies and derives meaning from the quality of what it symbolizes.

A good logo is not only distinctive, but it is practical and simple in form, leading to conveyance of the intended message. Those without a background in logo design often wonder what is so difficult about creating a good logo. When you only see the end result of a designer’s efforts, creation can appear to be a simple task. This is quite the opposite. A good logo takes thought, creativity, and a combination of elements, following a process that meets the needs of the client. Let’s examine the typical process that a professional logo designer follows.

Design Brief

– The first part of the process involves conducting an interview or questionnaire with a client to obtain the design brief.


– During the second phase, information related to the industry and competitors is researched.


– Once the industry’s history is obtained, compare logo designs that have been successful with current styles and trends.


– During this stage, logo design concepts are developed around the design brief and research. This requires the imagination to evolve and help ideas mature.


–Throughout the design process, many revisions will take place. Unlike the simplistic ads that promise a unique, low price logo, true design involves numerous changes.


– Logos should be presented in context, allowing clients to clearly visualize their brand identity.


– The last part of the process involves delivering appropriate files to the client and providing any additional support.

As mentioned, a good logo is distinctive, practical, graphic, and simple in form. The price generally depends on the complexity of the design as well as the level of research required and how big the business is. When choosing a logo designer, keep an eye out for their experience and proven success, testimonials, strength of portfolio, completion timeframe, and level of communication. Professionals at IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies have extensive knowledge in logo design accompanied by a portfolio showcase. For more information and to begin your design process, contact us today!