BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Archives - Indiawebmediapro Technologies

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Business Name vs. Trademark: What’s The Difference?

When you start a business, one of the most important things you can do is protect your name. If a company opened up shop using your same name, it could take a big hit on your sales. When building a brand, investing in advertising, and ensuring that consumers can find you, it is essential that you have properly protected your business name in the event that others want to use it. Unfortunately, many business owners are unaware of the difference between registering their name and filing for a trademark. Let’s examine the two processes below.

Registering a Business Name

When applying to be a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC), the secretary of state will check to make sure that your proposed name is not already in use by another company in your state. Each state has laws and requirements for business names so you must check ahead of time to find out what specifically pertain to you. Once your application is approved, your business name is protected by the state. This does not stop other individuals from forming an LLC or corporation with the same name in another state or stop a company that operates as a sole proprietorship or partnership from using it. If you plan on expanding outside of your state or sell your products across the country, then you should protect your name with a trademark.

Filing for a Federal Trademark

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design that identifies a product or service. They can be granted on distinctive names, logos, and slogans through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). A trademark provides exclusive rights and prevents anyone else from using it at the state and federal level. Applying for a trademark costs $275 per class and can take six to twelve months. Prior to applying, you should conduct a basic search to make sure no one has a pending application for the proposed trademark. Additionally, you will need to conduct a comprehensive name search to see if another business is using your name at the state or county level.

While simply registering their name with the state protects some businesses, others require exclusive rights across the country. As you are in the building phase of your brand, think about your particular protection needs then take the right legal steps to enforce them. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies can help consult with you on all your business needs and provide a step-by-step process of what you will require when starting your own company. To learn more, contact us for a free consultation.

Building a Successful Team for Your Business

Business success is not all rainbows and butterflies. It is difficult and requires team effort. It takes hard work, knocking on door after door, making cold calls, and learning a number of lessons along the way. At the very basic level, you need a team to collaborate with. While this task may be more difficult for some, it is essential for the success of your business. Let’s explore how to build a team for your company.

  1. Hire More Staff

This step is a given. A team does not consist of one person but rather many people who each have tailored roles. Trying to tackle every task between just one or two individuals can actually inhibit your growth, as it does not allow you to give adequate time to focus on important entities. Whether you keep your team small or expand, ensure that you are in constant communication with everything. Additionally, find team members that are experts in different segments of the business.

  1. Find Freelancers or Contractors

Outside of your internal team, you will want to find great freelancers and contractors. Research online, view their portfolios, and interview several candidates to ensure they can work within your deadlines. Start by assigning a small task and then build. Once you find the right freelancer to do the job, continue to work closely with them and reward them in the same way as your immediate team members. This will build a sense of trust and cohesion even though they may not be directly in your presence.

  1. Collaborate With Others

Although it may seem counterintuitive, collaborate with others in your field. This allows you to have a thriving referral business and builds an alliance of team members outside of your company. The further you reach, the more likely you are to be referred customers. People are more likely to help you if you can return the favor and being inclusive to collaborators helps build business as it opens the door to opportunities you may not otherwise be considered for.

Building a successful work team can be a challenge as you are working with varying opinions, knowledge, values, and experience, but teamwork and collaboration is essential to further your business. When each member feels empowered, they can act with minimal direction and share openly. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies knows first hand the importance of this component in driving success. To learn more about how we can help with your consulting needs, contact us today!

On the Rise: Business Intranet

The way in which people are searching for information online is changing significantly. People are increasingly using voice search on their smartphones, tablets, and voice assistants. According to Hitwise, approximately 60% of searches are now performed on mobile devices. If you haven’t updated your search strategy to adapt to this advancement, you are missing out on the chance to reach potential customers.

First, we must distinguish how voice search differs from traditional search. Voice searches are phrased in a natural conversational style that tends to be longer than traditional searches containing just a few keywords. They find results near the user versus a specific location and are often done on-the-go. While your website may be perfectly optimized for traditional SEO, voice search optimization utilizes a very different approach. In order to ensure the success of voice search, there are a few steps to take.

  1. Claim Your Business

Virtual assistants (for example, Siri) recommend businesses that are verified. Claim your business listing through Google My Business as well as other local online listings. The process involves visiting the Claim Your Business page, searching for your company, and claiming it. If your business does not appear, you will be prompted to create a new listing.

  1. Map Your Company

Operating systems use map applications like Google Maps and Apple Maps to search for inquiries “near me” on smartphones. To increase your chances of appearing in voice search results, make sure your company is showing up accurately on these applications.

  1. Utilize Longtail Keywords

Voice searches tend to be more conversational, so it is imperative to optimize for longer keyword phrases versus single keywords. Include full sentences for products and services that individuals may be searching for.

  1. Showcase Ratings and Reviews

Online reviews are a huge factor in voice assistant selection. Use social media and email campaigns to encourage customers to leave reviews on major sites such as Google, Facebook, and Yelp. Additionally, you can add a link to your website that will take customers to review pages.

Voice search is new territory when it comes to website optimization and is not going away anytime soon. It is time to start optimizing sites before they are left in the dust. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies stays up to date with the latest trends and is not afraid of learning new techniques. If you need your website optimized for voice search, contact IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies today!

Protect Your Business: Trademarks, Copyright, and Registration

As a business owner, your intellectual property is your lifeline and needs to be protected accordingly. It can be a confusing issue and many individuals don’t seem to have a solid grasp of how, why, and when to protect their products, or if it’s even necessary. Let’s explore what you need to know to protect your brand.

Business Name Registration

Upon starting your business, you most often are required to register the business name with a state-run regulatory body as part of obtaining a certificate to do business. Registering a business name in your state only allows you to claim the business name in that specific state, not nationwide. Additionally, it does not give you any trademark rights, so another party might be able to force you to change your business name if it infringes on their trademark. If you are operating a sole proprietorship under a name different from your own, you may be required to apply for a DBA (Doing Business as), which specifies who actually runs the company.

Domain Name Registration

In order to promote a website for your business, you will need to choose and register a domain name to use (ex: This should be simple, easy to remember, and related to the company name. Use WHOIS to determine if a domain name is already registered. Domain names can be registered for at least year, and it must be renewed before it expires. Keep in mind that registering a domain name does not provide trademark rights. If you register a domain name that infringes on another entity’s trademark, you might be required to give it up.


A trademark encompasses words, phrases, symbols, or designs that identify goods or services that come from a particular source. This provides nationwide protection from the brand name and logo you use on products that you sell or services you offer. To see whether a mark is available, go to the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS). Your trademark does not expire, but be sure to use your mark in a way that is unique to your brand.


A copyright protects original work including music, movies, books, plays, poetry, computer software, code, and website content. Any original work is automatically protected under copyright law and no one can reproduce it without permission. While you are not required to display the copyright symbol, doing so provides extra benefits.

When starting your business and creating a website to showcase your products and services, it is imperative that you protect your intellectual property. Through carefully reviewing the above components, you can ensure that another individual or business cannot profit off your hard work. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies realizes the importance of domains, trademarks, and copyrights, taking time to incorporate any necessary components into your customized site. To learn more about how you can protect your business, contact us today!

Website Fails Your Business is Making

In today’s technologically advanced society, a website for your business is a necessity. Unfortunately, many businesses make significant mistakes that inhibit the connection with customers and hinder sales. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies understands the interworking of website components and can easily identify the common reasons for website fails. Let’s review them below.

It’s Not Mobile Friendly

– Mobile and tablet usage has surpassed desktop computers. As the mobile devices continue to grow, it is essential to make your website mobile-friendly. There are still a great percentage of sites that significantly lack in this category, which is not only bad for business, but can lead to penalties from major search engines, decrease conversation rates, and make for a poor customer experience.

Too Much Jargon

– While you may be tempted to demonstrate your expertise in your field through using technical language and industry jargon, consumers who aren’t as savvy may be turned off by their overall lack of understanding. Instead, use simple and straightforward language that customers can easily understand.

Lacks Content

– When consumers visit your website, they are looking for a product or service to solve a problem. That is why your site needs fresh and valuable content. A great way to increase relevant content is through starting a blog, which is a double bonus as it also helps boost SEO and content marketing efforts.

Hides Information

– Outside of content that describes your business and services, customers want to easily locate information such as the address of your company, contact information, social media plugins, hours, and potential pricing. If a user is unable to get ahold of you, conversion rates drop significantly.

Slow Loading Times

– Users enjoy navigating websites that load quickly. According to Kissmetrics, 47 percent of consumers expect a site to load in less than two seconds. If you want shoppers to return to your site in the future, ensure that their website experience is enjoyable. Website speed can easily be tested using tools like Pingdom and GTmetrix.

If your business currently has a website that is out-of-date or experiencing any of the aforementioned problems, it is time to call in the professionals. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies aims to personalize your experience and provides a step-by-step process that you can easily follow along with. Contact us today for a free consultation!

The 7 Deadly Sins of Intranet Design

Intranet designs are intended to help employees within an organization reach higher levels of productivity, motivation, and communication. While intranet tools and programs come and go, if the design falls into one of these debilitating categories, it can impact employee morale and ultimately increase the overall costs. Let’s examine the seven deadly sins of intranet design.

  1. Substandard Search Results

If you have ever used an intranet before, whether for school or work, a notable feature is its search field. This is intended to return results to users and is often seen as substandard when it comes to successful search functionality. Content is frequently concealed from the search because it is poorly tagged or categorized. This can lead to irrelevant content being presented to the user and ultimately employees wasting time trying to find what they need.

  1. Content in Silos

Often referred to as walled-off content, content in silos is content that’s difficult to find due to being walled off in a number of ways. This includes not be accessible via the search function, absent from global navigation, hidden based on the user’s role, and protected by a login wall. Silos tend to emerge due to their easy creation method instead of properly integrating within overreaching access points. Consider whether content requires its own site or tool, or if it would be better linked in the larger intranet.

  1. Poor Visual Layout

Intranet teams tend to be understaffed and stakeholders within the company often dictate which page content appears in what areas. This can result in designs that lack a proper layout strategy, hierarchy, and visual appeal. When text, graphics, and space are not used properly, pages tend to look cluttered, making it difficult for users to scan and ultimately leading to trouble in determining which page elements are relevant for them.

  1. Illegible Text

Most text formats, even modern ones, provide the ability for users to easily decode and read. That being said, flowery typefaces with complicated details tend to be the most difficult to decipher. Employees shouldn’t have to work hard to read the text on a page, regardless of whether it is being viewed on a big monitor or a phone. Poor contrast between text and page background and tiny size are the leading causes of illegible text.

  1. Announcements Depicted as Advertisements

Banner blindness is a practice where ads or announcements do not match the style of the websites they appear on. Groups such as HR and corporate communications inadvertently make their internal promotions look like advertisements through utilizing random color, font, and graphical schemes. This ultimately repels employees from these promotions and should be left to intranet designers versus branding teams.

  1. Lack of Global Navigation

A major issues that most intranet users face is clicking on crosslinks that redirect them to pages that appear completely different from the rest of the intranet. This is often due to partially planned content strategies and information architectures. Consistently should exist across all pages and links within an intranet network as disappearing global navigation can be unexpected, unsettling, and exhibits loss of control on the employee’s end.

  1. Portal Pages Without Information

A key benefit of many intranets is that they consolidate information, but merely giving a link is less than helpful. Simply providing a titled link only promises that content will appear on the next page. Instead, it should contain information on what the link may provide.

Many intranets still commit a few of the seven deadly sins of design. Your intranet should be surveyed for these persistent and troublesome problems. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies can help you review intranet usability guidelines and recreate an interactive design through usability testing. If you are interested in creating or updating your organization’s intranet, contact us today for a free consultation!

Online Business 101: Growth Tactics

eCommerce is exploding and many startups are beginning to establish their online stores. While this may seem simple with all the DIY tutorials and business tools available, it is easier said than done. It is essential to make sure all the elements for your online success are in place. Let’s review crucial steps to take when capitalizing on the ecommerce trend.

Target Your Audience:

eCommerce highly depends on an accessible online presence. This means that you must make yourself available to those who are most likely to notice. In order to do so, identify the demographics of consumers who will benefit from your products and services then base marketing strategies around these details.

Generate High-Quality, High-Speed Content:

Content that is relevant, contains engaging information, and encourages site visitors to return in the future is essential. Additionally, major search engines consider fast lead speeds in their ranking algorithm. In response, Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting is becoming popular among new businesses.

Personalize Content:

Visitors expect unique, individualized web experiences when they click on your site. There are a number of technologies available that can generate shopping selections based on personal preferences such as Zoho and Batchbook. These smaller CRM software solutions tend to have nominal monthly fees.

Consider Subscription Services:

There are various subscription models that can be implemented into sales and marketing strategies. The replenishment model sends products to consumers on a set timetable while the discovery model provides new and exciting products with each delivery. CRM software can track which model customers prefer so help zone in on the most profitable service.

One of the main goals of any business is consistent growth. Through careful strategic planning, quality marketing, and a combination of the steps outlined above, your online business can become a success story. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies understands how imperative ecommerce is becoming and has extensive knowledge in the design and implementation of an ecommerce company.


Custom Online Tools You Need For Your Restaurant

As society begins to rely more and more on technology to fulfill their everyday needs, it is important to incorporate this into your business in order for your restaurant to really thrive. There are a few online tools that can be created and customized by your website designer to not only save countless hours of time, but to also take your restaurant to the next level. Let’s explore these options below.

Reservation Software

If you haven’t yet heard of OpenTable, then you may be living under a rock. This application is a well-known tool utilized by both restaurants and their customers. Essentially, customers can book reservations online, leading to more potential business for restaurants and ease of access for consumers. Luckily, website developers can create their very own reservation form that allows customers to enter their name, contact information, party size, and request time. Evaluate the value proposition of paying for a premium subscription vs. your own customized solution.

Ordering Software

Based off of OpenTable, OpenDining is a premium online ordering solution that restaurants use for customers who wish to order items for pickup or delivery. Website developers can create a form on your website that follows the same process. Once a form is submitted, order details can be emailed. Not only does online ordering reflect the demand of consumers, but it helps increase overall sales.

Website Design

If you own a restaurant, you are bound to have come across ads promising an all-in-one website solution that states it can streamline your business through a variety of tools. Unfortunately, this is not a one-size-fits-all option. Custom website design will enhance your brand though displaying the unique characteristics and messages your brand wishes to convey. This, paired with targeted search engine optimization will lead to increased exposure, bookings, and sales.

Employee Scheduling

There are a few varieties of online employee scheduling software that floats around the internet. It allows employers to schedule employees via computer and phone, which subsequently sends out text message alerts or email notifications. A custom website portal can keep all this information in a contained area and allow for ease of access.

While there are a number of other components that go into creating the perfect website for your restaurant, these four tools are guaranteed to save time and money. Through designing and developing a site customized to your restaurant’s specific needs, you can set your business up for success. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies is a leading website design and development company located in Nagpur, India. With a wealth of experience in the creation of websites for the restaurant industry, his portfolio showcases the varying concepts he has devised to meet the individualized needs of each client.

Internet Vs. Intranet Design: Exploring The Difference

The majority of external websites on the Internet are designed to capture an audience and maximize conversion time. The goal is to draw users deep into the website and intrigue their curiosity with relevant and interesting information. By contrast, intranet sites are designed to be viewed by audiences inside an organization and are hidden from the larger World Wide Web.

While the same technology is utilized between the two, the design and content vary significantly. The key towards building a successful intranet site is to assemble relevant information, organize it into a logical system, and efficiently deliver key components. The primary goal is to allow individuals to obtain information quickly and move on to their next task.

Internet and intranet are two very different information spaces, which should contain different user interface designs. Let’s take a look at how they vary along several dimensions.
• Users: Intranet users consist of employees or students who have significant information related to an organization, its structure, and specific terminology. Customers who know less about your company use an Internet site.

• Tasks: While an Intranet is used for everyday work inside a company along with complex applications, and Internet site is generally used to find out information related to products or services.

• Type of Information: Many Intranets contain reports, human resource information, and detailed components of a business whereas an Internet site consists of marketing information and customer support.

• Amount of Information: Public websites contain limited strategic information that is easy for an audience to take in. An Intranet will have between ten and a hundred times as many pages due to the nature of the information being shared amongst employees.

• Bandwidth and Cross-Platforms: Intranet sites run much fast than their counterparts, making it feasible to use rich graphics and multimedia. Furthermore, designs need to allow for more advanced page content, making them less cross-platform compatible.
Most importantly, an Intranet site and an Internet site are contrasting information spaces. The first should be much more task-oriented and less promotional. Additionally, an Intranet will need a stronger navigational system than an Internet site due to the large amount of information that must move between servers. IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies has experience in designing and developing major Intranet websites for large corporations. They are well aware of how each system works and aim towards providing a seamless user experience.

Working Towards Common Goals: Building an Enterprise Intranet

In today’s technology-driven society, many businesses have their own intranet. An intranet portal is an Internet only accessible to those within the company’s internal network. While it is widely thought of as a component only utilized within large enterprises, a company of any size can benefit from an intranet portal as well. This tool allows for internal communications within a business to become simplified, allowing for more growth and success.

The number one way for a business to succeed is through ensuring all individuals within it understand common goals. Through building and utilizing an intranet portal, key contributors can share information with employees across the board. From sharing documents to providing an overview of calendar appointments, an intranet portals makes for a more flexible workforce that values productivity.

Not only does an intranet allow for the ability to share internal information to relevant staff members without constant internal memos, but it creates an environment for collaboration. According to Worldwide Intranet Challenge, the benefits of an intranet far outweigh the initial capital investment. Some key drivers to creating an enterprise intranet include:

  • Business Processes: Workflow, procedures, and instructions.
  • Employee Engagement: News, blogs, and communications.
  • Environment: Webinars, telecommuting, and process automation.
  • Collaboration: Staff directory, team rooms, and content management.
  • New Ideas: Discussion forums and online suggestions.
  • Knowledge Management: Search, content tagging, and taxonomy.
  • Data and Applications: Application directory, intranet lists, and corporate data access.

Developing an intranet portal for your business involves careful planning that takes into account the size of your company as well as its specific needs. Successful deployment requires the expertise of professionals, such as IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies, who have a wealth of knowledge on customizing a platform to your company’s unique specifications while still keeping it well-organized and easy for users to navigate. Contact us today to learn how you can benefit both your business and employees through the use of an intranet.