Reseller Partnership - Indiawebmediapro Technologies

Indiawebmediapro Technologies

How to become Reseller Partnership

In this model, you can represent IndiaWebmediaPro to market our products, services and solution capabilities anywhere in the world. You get commission for every successful client project closure.

Become A Partner
  • You earn commission on every project closed successfully.
  • You don’t require technology knowledge.
  • We provide banners, texts, links and other connections that drive traffic to your websites.
  • Other than internet, you can use your personal contacts to generate leads.
  • Need to have personal blog or website that will be used for marketing.
  • ndiaWebmediaPro does not entertain webmaster who practice black hat SEO.
  • Practice should be decent on the web.
  • Excellent reputation (online or offline) is preferred.
  • Preference will be given to a company or individual who can build rapport within network and can build trust in the business.
  • Being an reseller partner, it is your responsibility to ensure that our banners and links are not placed on the webpage or post that are irrelevant to our product, service or technology.
  • For the word-of-mouth publicity, ensure that no false or over commitment is made. The company is not responsible to entertain the gimmick or whatsoever unrealistic promises made.
  • Inform the company about your online marketing campaign.
  • If you market our brand through email campaigns, the facts and figures of content should be approved by IndiaWebmediaPro.
Become A Partner