Logo Design: A Fundamental Component of Branding & Marketing - Indiawebmediapro Technologies

Indiawebmediapro Technologies

Logo Design: A Fundamental Component of Branding & Marketing

When it comes to marketing, a company logo could be compared to DNA; the material that houses information about how a living cell will look and function. A company’s logo design is a fundamental component of branding, generating the look and feel for all other marketing efforts. It helps differentiate itself amongst the competitors, enabling viewers to remember the organization.

Generally, a logo includes a combination of typography, color, shape, and form that represents the core of a business’s brand and could be considered the starting point for all things that follow. A strong logo is distinctive and intuitive, with the ability to quickly convey purpose and support the overall business strategy. It is a long-term investment into your business.

Professional designs start with discovery and multiple rounds of review, followed by a variety of file types and branding guides containing a selection of fonts and colors. There are five elements to keep in mind when hiring a professional logo designer in order to end up with something that is not only pleasing to the eye but also targets your market.

  1. Simplicity

The more complex the design, the harder it is for an individual’s mind to remember it. Keep it simple and allow it to remain meaningful. Think about major corporations such as Nike, Apple, and Facebook.

  1. Typography

Selecting the right font for your business is one of the most important steps in logo creation. This will carry over into your website and other marketing products so choose one that is distinctive.

  1. Color

This aspect of a logo should be considered carefully as they can have a big impact on overall accessibility in digital display. Furthermore, color can create and emotional response that should be tied to your products and services.

  1. Memorability

You want to generate a logo that can easily be remembered. The intention is to imprint your brand and make a long-term impression such as organizations like McDonald’s, Coca Cola, and Ford.

  1. Versatility

Since your logo will be used across a multitude of mediums including business cards, stationary, websites, and social media, ensure that the design can accommodate all forms of usage.


A quality logo should not come from an auto-generated site that contains a mash up of stock emblems and your company’s name. It needs to be designed by a professional graphic design team at IndiaWebmediaPro Technologies. who understands the importance of cohesion between fonts, colors, and shapes. This is the difference between a $5 stock design and a few hundred to thousand dollar custom graphic.

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